4 Best Beds for Seniors With Mobility Issues

Are you looking for a bed specially designed to accommodate seniors with mobility issues? An adjustable bed might be what you’re looking for. It can help seniors with muscle weakness and joint problems by allowing them to adjust the bed position to their needs, making it easier to get in and out of bed while improving sleep quality.

The Sven & Son Platinum Series Adjustable Bed is my top pick for the best overall bed for seniors with mobility issues. It is easy to adjust and has a weight capacity of 800 pounds (362 kilograms). The bed also has advanced features like wireless remote control and dual massage.

In this article, I’ll discuss what makes the Sven & Son Platinum Series an excellent bed for seniors with mobility issues. I’ll also provide information on other adjustable beds that may be a good fit for you. There are many different types of adjustable beds in the market, each with its benefits and drawbacks.

Best Overall: Sven & Son Platinum Series Adjustable Bed Base + 12″ Premium Memory Foam Mattress

Seniors with mobility issues often have difficulty finding a comfortable position to sleep in, leading to poor sleep quality. An adjustable bed can be a great solution for this problem, as it allows the user to change the angle of the bed to find the perfect position. This is where the Sven & Son Platinum Series Adjustable Bed Base + 12″ Premium Memory Foam Mattress comes in.

Top Features

  • Head & foot articulation. The ability to adjust the head and foot of the bed allows seniors to find a position that alleviates pressure on the back, hips, and knees. It can help reduce pain and stiffness, open up the airways, and improve circulation. The Sven & Son Platinum series comes with a 75-degree head incline and a 46-degree foot incline.
  • Wireless remote. The wireless remote is one of the best features of the Sven & Son adjustable bed. It allows you to adjust the bed without having to get up. This feature is especially helpful if you are in pain and need to adjust your position frequently at night.
  • Adjustable leg height. The Sven & Son adjustable bed can be raised or lowered to accommodate different people. Additionally, it can help people with mobility issues find it easier to get in bed in the evening or get out of bed in the morning.
  • Dual massage. The dual massage feature can help seniors relax and feel more comfortable while they sleep. It can also help to reduce stress and tension in the body. For those with a medical condition, the massage can also help to improve circulation and increase blood flow to the affected area.
  • Under-bed lighting. While many people might not consider it an important feature, under-bed lighting can benefit seniors with mobility issues. It can help them read in bed or find items that have fallen on the floor. Furthermore, under-bed lighting can help to create a relaxing environment. 
  • Individual pillow tilt. The Sven & Son adjustable bed allows the user to adjust the angle of their head and neck, which can provide significant relief if they suffer from neck pain or headaches. And if they like to sleep on their side, raising the head can help prevent shoulder pain.
  • Lumbar support. The lumbar support feature helps keep the spine in alignment and takes the pressure off the lower back. It can help to relieve pain and improve sleep quality.
  • High-density foam. High-density foam mattresses are a great option for seniors as they provide support and cushioning. They also conform to the body, providing the most needed support. This feature can help reduce pain in pressure points such as the hips and shoulders.
  • Slip-resistant mattress bottom. A slip-resistant mattress bottom can help keep seniors safe from falls. These mattresses have a special coating that prevents them from slipping and falling out of bed.
  • High maximum weight capacity. The Sven & Son adjustable bed has a maximum weight recommendation of ‎800 pounds (362 kilograms). Additionally, a bed with a higher weight capacity is often more durable and sturdy, meaning it will last longer.


  • The mattress can be too firm for some people.
  • It’s a very heavy bed and can be difficult to move around.
  • It doesn’t come with handrails.

Best for Style and Comfort: Kyvno 12″ Gel-Cooling Premium Memory Foam Mattress Adjustable Bed Frame Combo

An upholstered, adjustable bed base looks good on any home. The Kyvno Mattress and Adjustable and Bed Frame are not only stylish, but it also provides great comfort and support for seniors with mobility issues.

It’s Adjustable Using a Wireless Remote Control

One of the best features of the Kyvno adjustable bed is that it can be customized to fit the user’s needs with the touch of a wireless remote. The bed can be raised or lowered in the head and foot sections to support the user’s back and legs. Additionally, the wireless remote control feature allows the user to adjust the bed without getting up.

The Kyvno adjustable bed offers the perfect sleeping surface for any situation, whether the user needs extra support for the back or wants to be able to watch TV in bed. The Kyvno adjustable bed has an adjustable 65-degree head incline and 50-degree foot incline.

It Keeps You Cool and Comfortable Throughout the Night

Additionally, a standard mattress can be too hot and uncomfortable. This is where Kyvno’s gel-infused mattress comes in, as it helps to keep the body cool and comfortable throughout the night.

For seniors, there are many benefits to sleeping on a cooler mattress, as it can help to improve circulation and reduce inflammation. Additionally, it can also alleviate pain associated with conditions like arthritis. For those who tend to overheat at night, a gel bead mattress can make it easier to get a good night’s sleep.

It’s Easy To Clean and Maintain

Finally, an upholstered full bed base is comfortable and easy to care for. If you’re looking for a piece of furniture that will last longer and provide a good night’s sleep, an upholstered full-bed base is a great option.


  • The bed position is easy to customize.
  • It comes with different presets.
  • The mattress is infused with gel beads that keep it cool.
  • The bed base is upholstered, compact, and easy to move.


  • The legs are not adjustable.
  • The mattress may be too firm for some individuals.

Best Value for Money: iDealBed 3i Custom Adjustable Bed Base

Adjustable beds for seniors can be quite expensive, as they come with various advanced features and are made with high-quality materials. If you want to get around this high cost and still get an adjustable bed for seniors with mobility issues, I recommend the iDealBed 3i Custom Adjustable Bed Base. This bed base is compatible with all mattresses, so you can use what you currently have at home.

The iDealBed 3i adjustable bed base is not as expensive as leading brands in the market, but it offers the same essential features that make it a good choice for many people.

Sturdy and Built To Last

If you are looking for an adjustable bed frame that will last for years and can support up to 850 pounds (385 kilograms), the iDealBed 3i is a good option. The frame is made from alloy steel and can support a lot of weight without bending or breaking.

Adjustable Head and Foot Articulation

The iDealBed 3i’s adjustable head and foot articulation are good for seniors with mobility issues because it allows them to adjust their position in bed without getting up. The head and foot articulation can be adjusted to 75 degrees and 45 degrees, respectively.

Furthermore, adjustable bed frames can also be helpful for people who have trouble sleeping. If you have trouble getting comfortable in one position, you can adjust your bed so you’re more likely to fall asleep. And if you tend to sleep on your back or stomach, an adjustable bed can help you find a more comfortable position.

Full Body Massage Feature

The elderly often suffer from more aches and pains as they age. These pains can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. A bed frame with a full body massage feature can help seniors with mobility issues get the rest they need.

The iDealBed 3i’s massage feature can help to relieve pain and stiffness in the muscles. It can also help to improve circulation and ease the body and mind, making it easier to fall asleep.


  • It has a maximum weight recommendation of ‎850 pounds (385 kilograms).
  • Head and foot articulation can be adjusted to your preferences.
  • The frame is upholstered.
  • The leg height is adjustable.
  • It’s compatible with all mattresses.
  • It has a full-body massage feature.


  • The massage motors can be noisy.
  • Remote control buttons do not have backlighting.

Best for Sleep Quality: LUCID L300 Adjustable Bed Base with Lucid 12-Inch Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress

Quality sleep is important for overall health, but it’s especially crucial for older adults. Those with mobility issues can have more difficulty sleeping through the night. That’s why it’s important to have a quality mattress that can provide the support and comfort needed to get a restful night’s sleep. This is where the LUCID L300 Adjustable Bed Base with Lucid 12 Inch Memory Foam Hybrid Mattress comes in.

The Hybrid Mattress Offers an Excellent Sleeping Experience

A good mattress can help alleviate some common sleep problems older adults face, such as pain, stiffness, and restless leg syndrome. It can also improve circulation and reduce tossing and turning throughout the night. In addition, a quality mattress can extend the life of your bedding by providing proper support to prevent sagging and indentations.

There are many reasons why hybrid mattresses are best for quality sleep in older adults. They provide the perfect combination of comfort and support and are ideal for all sleepers. Hybrid mattresses are durable and can last for years with proper care.

The LUCID L300’s hybrid mattress combines bamboo charcoal memory foam, aloe vera foam, and encased pocket coils, making them extremely comfortable. The springs provide support while the foam conforms to your body, providing pressure relief.

The Adjustable Bed Frame Provides Support

Seniors with mobility issues may find it difficult to find a comfortable sleeping position, regardless of the mattress they use. In addition to a hybrid mattress, an adjustable bed frame such as the LUCID L300 can help provide support and alleviate pain, making it easier to get a good night’s sleep.

Sleeping on the LUCID L300’s adjustable bed frame is a great way to reduce pain and stiffness for those who suffer from arthritis or mobility issues. Adjustable beds allow you to adjust the position of your head, legs, and back to find the perfect sleeping position.

The Perfect Combination

If you’re looking for a comfortable, supportive, and versatile sleeping setup, you can’t go wrong with a combination of an adjustable bed frame and a hybrid mattress offered by the LUCID L300. An adjustable bed frame allows you to customize your sleeping position to find the perfect balance of comfort and support. At the same time, a hybrid mattress offers the best of both worlds – the supportive feel of a firm mattress with the comfort of a soft mattress.


  • The bed frame is fully adjustable, with head and foot incline.
  • The hybrid mattress consists of bamboo charcoal memory foam, aloe vera foam, base foam, and encased pocket coils for the best sleep experience.
  • The mattress stays fresh and odorless.
  • The adjustable bed contains a USB charging port.
  • It’s very easy to assemble.


  • Weight capacity is only 750 pounds (340 kilograms).

To help you out further, I’ve also compiled a list of the best products that make it easier for older people to get into bed. You’ll find a wide range of assistive devices to help your elderly parents enjoy better sleep. 6 Best Products to Help the Elderly Get into Bed

Final Thoughts

You’ll find many beds for seniors with mobility issues, but the Sven & Son Platinum Series Adjustable Bed Base + 12″ Premium Memory Foam Mattress is the overall best. It’s easy to adjust the position of the frame, which is perfect for seniors who may have difficulty getting into bed. And if you’re looking for other options that are more budget-friendly, sturdy, and stylish, you have plenty of other great options to consider.


Roger L. "Chip" Mitchell is the owner of Growing Gray USA. Having worked with seniors and their families for over a decade as the owner of ComForCare Home Care of Northwest Georgia, Chip is able to share his insights working with aging senior adults and their adult children who are now finding themselves in a new role as caregivers for their parents.

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