How To Install a Grab Bar in a Marble Shower

For those at a higher risk for falls, a bathroom or shower can quickly become a dangerous place. To limit falls and protect your loved ones, you should have grab bars installed. 

You can install a grab bar in a marble shower by assessing the stability of the marble tiles, using the correct tools, and knowing the proper way to drill into marble. You can also use suction-cup grab bars for a simpler installation process.

If slipping in the shower has become a risk for you or your loved one, a grab bar is one extra step you can take for additional safety, independence, and peace of mind. The rest of this article will teach you everything you need to know about installing grab bars in a marble shower.

What Type of Grab Bars Can You Install in a Marble Shower?

The first step to adding a grab bar (or two) to your marble shower is picking the right one. There are two options when it comes to bathroom grab bars, each with its pros and cons.

Suction Cup Grab Bars 

Using suction cups to grip the marble wall, a suction cup grab bar helps you avoid breaking out the drill. This Zalik Grab Bar for Showers (available on won’t damage the marble walls and features an easy, toolless installation. It also comes in a pack of two, so you can install them on opposite sides of the shower for greater stability. 

Pros of Suction Cup Grab Bars

  • The installation is straightforward and doesn’t require tools.
  • You can adjust the grab bars after the initial installation.
  • There is little to no risk of damage to your marble shower’s walls.

Cons of Suction Cup Grab Bars

  • They are less secure than screw-mounted grab bars.
  • They cannot be installed over grout or other porous surfaces.
  • While each brand has its own weight limit, they are made to assist with balance rather than supporting you when you slip. 

Traditional Screw-Fixed Grab Bars 

These are the types of grab bars you may see in public restrooms. They require you to drill into the marble and secure them with screws. This Gotega Stainless Steel Grab Bar (available on has all the screws and fasteners you’ll need for installation. It also has a sleek, attractive finish designed to prevent rust and comes in a two-pack.

Pros of Traditional Grab Bars

  • They are the more secure of the two options for grab bars. 
  • You can purchase convenient kits that come with all the necessary screws.
  • They are meant to last for a long time, provided they are correctly installed.

Cons of Traditional Grab Bars

  • They only work if installed adequately over secure marble tiles, and improper installation can lead to injury.
  • Installation is only possible if you have experience drilling into marble or other masonry.  

If you’ve selected the traditional grab bar for your marble shower, you can follow this guide for a safe and efficient installation.

1. Assess the Condition of the Marble

Never affix your grab bar to marble tiles that are: 

  • Loose
  • Cracked
  • Old 
  • Unstable 

Making sure that the marble tiles have been correctly installed and are still in good condition is an integral part of properly installing a grab bar, avoiding the risk of it breaking when your loved one slips.

Make sure there is enough room between the marble tiles to avoid drilling into and affixing the grab bar to the grout between the tiles. Installing the bars over grout will create a weak spot, and you’ll risk it not being secure enough. 

If you notice that your marble tiles are loose, you’ll need to have them fixed or replaced before installing grab bars. You shouldn’t use either suction cup grab bars or traditionally-mounted grab bars on loose, defective marble tile. 

2. Gather the Necessary Tools and Supplies

Here’s a list of a few things you’ll need to install the grab bars safely:

  • Safety glasses
  • Painter’s tape
  • An electric drill with masonry drill bits
  • A ruler or tape measure
  • Water in a spray bottle
  • Screwdriver
  • Silicone caulk

You will notice that this list includes masonry drill bits. It is crucial to note that standard drill bits are ineffective when working with marble surfaces. There are four options when choosing an appropriate drill bit for marble:

  • Carbide-tipped bits are used for softer marble, and they feature channels that help to remove debris from the hole as you drill.
  • Diamond-tipped bits also include channels to clear any debris while drilling, but they are graded for the hardest varieties of marble.
  • Core bits are also called “hole bits,” and they feature a central pilot bit to hold everything secure while you are drilling.
  • Spade bits are shaped just like spades used for wood and should be used only for the softest marble surfaces. 

3. Measure and Map Where You’ll Install the Grab Bar

You’ll need to map out where you’re going to be drilling. Measure out the length of the bar and mark the area you need to drill with the painter’s tape. Additionally, make sure to install the grab bar in an area that is easy to reach; it shouldn’t be too low or too high off the ground. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Remove the decorative covers from both ends of the grab bar. These covers, also called escutcheons, conceal the screws once the grab bar is fully installed. 
  2. With the escutcheons removed, you can count the number of holes which translates to the number of screws and drilled holes you’ll need to mount it.
  3. Mark where the screws will need to be placed.

Remember the old adage: measure twice, cut (or drill) once. Skipping this vital step and drilling in the wrong spot could render the grab bar useless.

4. Scratch the Surface of the Marble

Once your protective gear is on, and your workspace is clean, you can begin to prepare the marble wall for drilling. Marble is an extremely smooth surface. While this is great in terms of aesthetics and cleaning, it can cause your drill bit to slip when you start drilling.

Use your drill bit of choice to scratch the area you plan to drill. This area should already be marked off with your painter’s tape, and you can recheck it with the tape measure before you scratch that expensive marble wall.

5. Start Drilling the Holes for Your Grab Bar

You will need to select the correct size drill bit for the screws included with your grab bar. Once the bit is securely in your drill, follow these steps to avoid cracking the marble while you’re drilling:

  1. Start slow and only apply a small amount of power when you begin drilling. 
  2. Once the initial pilot dimple has been created in the area you measured and scratched, spray water onto the hole and the bit.
  3. Continue drilling at a slow speed and intermittently spray your bit with water to avoid excess friction, heat, and dust. 
  4. Arrive at the proper depth for your screws and reverse the drill slowly to remove the bit from the hole.
  5. Use a towel to dry the area.
  6. Repeat these steps until you have drilled the appropriate number of holes. 

Drilling into the marble wall is by far the most stressful step in installing a grab bar in your marble shower. Marble is highly prone to cracking, so pat yourself on the back and take a deep breath because you’ve made it through the hard part. 

6. Install the Grab Bar

You can now install the grab bar with the screws and a screwdriver: 

  1. Line up the grab bar with the holes you just drilled.
  2. Use your screwdriver to insert the screws.
  3. Tighten the screws until they are just tight enough.
  4. Be careful not to over-tighten the screws because this may cause the marble to crack.

7. Apply Caulk

You may think that once the screws are tightened, you can simply slide the escutcheons in place and be done with your project. However, applying caulk as the last step is crucial. Showers are hotbeds of moisture and condensation. While your grab bar may be made of stainless steel and therefore protected from rust, the screws you used may not be. 

Select your preferred silicone caulk and apply it to the underside of the escutcheons before sliding them in place over the mounting. Taking the time to caulk the escutcheons and mountings also prevents the accumulation of rust, mold, and mildew. 

Should You Install a Grab Bar Yourself?

Marble can be challenging to drill, and the task is not for the casual DIY-er. If you don’t have any experience working with a drill or drilling into masonry, it may be helpful to call in a professional to do the job right. 

An improperly-installed grab bar can be disastrous. This article will teach you how to assess the condition of the marble and properly install the grab bar yourself, but a little technical know-how is still necessary.

How Much Does It Cost To Have Grab Bars Installed in a Marble Shower?

If you’ve decided to hire someone to install your grab bar, you should expect to spend up to $300. The average cost for installing one bathroom grab bar is about $250. While this may seem like a lot, it’s much better to play it safe if you don’t have the experience to do it yourself.

What Other Safety Features Can You Install in Your Shower?

You can’t go wrong with a shower seat when it comes to your loved ones’ safety. This allows those who may be unsteady on their feet a place to sit while they shower, so there is practically no risk of falling. This Vaunn Medical Adjustable Shower Seat (available on includes a tool-free assembly and removable back, and it is suitable for up to 300 lb (136 kg).

If you don’t need a shower seat, you might consider adding a shower mat to help your loved one avoid slipping. This LuxStep Shower Mat (available on comes in a range of different sizes to fit any shower or tub. The PVC material forms hundreds of small drainage holes so that there’s no risk of the shower flooding, and it will also protect your loved ones’ feet from the cold floor. 

A combination bathtub shower is not ideal for the elderly because the high walls of the tub may make it difficult to get into the shower. If your bathroom has this type of shower, consider purchasing this Vaunn Medical Adjustable Bathtub Safety Rail (available on Amazon). By easily sliding over the wall of the tub and fitting securely in place, your loved one has one extra place to grab onto.

Additionally, consider purchasing this CallToU Waterproof Call Button (available on to keep in the shower so that your loved one can quickly call for help should they fall or suffer from any other medical emergency while in the shower. These call buttons work within 500 feet (152.4 m) of their receiver and feature a loud alarm that will sound from the receiver if the button is pressed.  

Adding these features and products to a marble shower can help to limit slips and falls, keep your loved one safe, and increase their independence. Allowing seniors or those with physical disabilities the opportunity to bathe themselves independently is vital to giving them a sense of purpose, maintaining their confidence, and giving them a sense of control.


Installing grab bars and other safety devices in the shower is crucial if you have a loved one susceptible to slips and falls. You can install grab bars by:

  1. Assessing the condition of the marble
  2. Gathering the necessary supplies
  3. Measuring twice and drilling once
  4. Scratching the marble
  5. Drilling into the marble slowly and carefully
  6. Using caulk once the grab bar is secured to the wall

Taking the time to install a grab bar will reduce the risk of falls, and properly installing them will ensure they continue assisting your loved ones in the shower long term.

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