Why Is Your Elderly Parent Shaking? Common Causes

Shaking is a common symptom in elderly people, and there are many reasons why it occurs. If you’re noticing your elderly parent shaking, it’s important to get them checked out by a doctor to determine the cause and get treatment if necessary.

The most common cause of shaking in elderly people is a neurological issue. This could be caused by a stroke, Parkinson’s disease, or even a side effect of certain medications. Shaking can also be caused by many other factors, so it’s important to have a doctor determine the cause.

In this guide, we’ll discuss some of the more common causes of shaking in elderly people, along with what you and your doctor can do to help. 

13 Reasons Why Your Elderly Parent Could Be Shaking

Essential Tremor Disorder

Essential tremor is a condition where your muscles shake uncontrollably. It’s very common in elderly people and can affect the arms, legs, hands, head, or even the voice.

The common symptoms of essential tremors include shaking or trembling that increases with the movement of the affected body part. Unfortunately, there’s no known cure for this condition, but medication and other treatments can help reduce symptoms somewhat.

In terms of treatment, medications like primidone, propranolol, or botulinum toxin injections can help reduce tremors. Physical therapy and occupational therapy can also be used to improve coordination and strengthen muscles.

Parkinson’s Disease 

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system that affects movement, posture, speech, and other aspects of life. Symptoms include tremors, stiffness in the muscles, difficulty with balance and coordination, and slowed movements.

Treatment for Parkinson’s disease can involve medications such as levodopa or dopamine agonists, which can help reduce tremor symptoms. There are also surgical treatments and other therapies to consider in certain cases.

Furthermore, regular exercise and physical therapy can help improve mobility and reduce tremors.


Fatigue is a common problem in elderly people, and it can cause shaking. Ultimately, a lack of energy can make it hard to hold the body still, leading to unintentional trembling or shaking.

If your elderly parent is tired due to lack of sleep or other factors, they must get some rest. They should also be eating a balanced diet and staying hydrated.

By helping your parent to get enough rest and nutrition, you can help reduce the symptoms of fatigue. Additionally, there’s a range of medications that can be used to boost energy levels and reduce shaking – a doctor can advise on the best option for your parent.

Anxiety and Stress

As we age, our bodies may produce more hormones like cortisol, which can make us feel overwhelmed and anxious.

It’s also worth noting that anxiety is a normal response to certain situations – it just needs to be managed appropriately. Therefore, it’s important to talk to your elderly parent and find out what’s causing their anxiety.

If the cause of the stress can be identified, it should be addressed as soon as possible. Additionally, some medications can help reduce symptoms of anxiety, such as benzodiazepines, beta-blockers, and SSRIs.


Shivering is an involuntary shaking or trembling of the body due to muscle contractions and can be caused by a variety of factors.

In elderly people, shivering can often be caused by cold temperatures, dehydration, low blood sugar levels, or even a fever. Therefore, it’s important to check for any underlying causes and treat them accordingly.

In some cases, medications may be prescribed to reduce shaking. If the shivering is mild and not interfering with daily activities, a warm blanket or clothing can help reduce involuntary muscle contractions.

Overactive Thyroid

An overactive thyroid is caused by too much of the hormone thyroxine being released into the bloodstream – this can lead to symptoms such as tremors, heart palpitations, weight loss, and fatigue.

Treatment for an overactive thyroid typically involves taking medications called antithyroid drugs, which can help to reduce the amount of thyroxine being produced. 

Additionally, some lifestyle changes may be necessary (such as reducing salt and caffeine intake) to reduce symptoms.

Excessive Caffeine Intake

We all know that caffeine can give us a boost of energy and alertness – but too much of it can be a problem, especially for the elderly. Caffeine can cause nervousness, anxiety, and even trembling or shaking.

If your elderly parent is drinking a lot of caffeine, they should try to switch to decaf drinks or herbal teas instead. This switch can help to reduce their caffeine intake and subdue the symptoms of trembling or shaking.

Ultimately, it’s important to remember that trembling or shaking in elderly people is not always due to an underlying medical condition – sometimes the cause can be relatively minor, such as fatigue, stress, or an imbalanced sleep schedule and diet. Elderly Sleeping Constantly But Not Eating: What to Know


A stroke is a serious medical condition that can affect the brain, and one of its symptoms is trembling or shaking. If your elderly parent has had a stroke, it’s essential to seek medical help as soon as possible to reduce the risk of further damage.

Depending on the severity of their circumstances, they may require hospitalization, rehabilitation, and medications to help with recovery. 

Be patient and understanding during this time, as it can take some time for the symptoms of a stroke to improve.

Medication Side Effects

Medications can sometimes cause side effects, including trembling or shaking. If your parent is taking any medications, it’s wise to speak to their doctor about the possibility of medication side effects.

The doctor may be able to adjust the dosage or suggest other medications that have fewer side effects. Always monitor any changes in your parent’s behavior and alert their doctor if anything seems unusual. When it comes to medications and their side effects, the sooner a doctor can intervene, the better.


Low blood sugar levels – known as hypoglycemia – can be a very dangerous condition. It can cause dizziness, confusion, and even loss of consciousness if left untreated. While anyone can experience hypoglycemia, it’s especially common in people with diabetes who are taking insulin or certain medications.

So if your elderly parent is taking medications and experiencing trembling or shaking, they may be suffering from hypoglycemia. Monitor their blood sugar levels closely and if you suspect that levels are often low, seek medical help as quickly as possible.

Alcohol Withdrawal

Alcohol withdrawal can cause tremors, sweating, and anxiety. If your elderly parent has issues with alcohol misuse, they may be experiencing these symptoms when they try to stop drinking.

It’s important to seek help immediately if this is the case – alcohol detoxification should only be done in a medical setting where trained professionals can monitor their progress and help them safely detoxify from alcohol.

Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease of the nervous system that can cause tremors, muscle weakness, and other symptoms. If your elderly parent has been diagnosed with MS, their doctor may recommend medications to help reduce the symptoms of shaking or trembling.

Additionally, they might benefit from physical therapy and lifestyle modifications to maximize their quality of life. Unfortunately, MS is a progressive disease, and there’s no cure, so it’s important to take care of your parent’s health as best you can while helping them manage the condition.


Dementia is a condition that affects memory, thinking, and behavior. While it’s normal for elderly people to have some difficulty remembering things or processing information, if the symptoms are severe and cause trembling or shaking as well, it could be a sign of dementia.

If you suspect that your parent is suffering from dementia, speak to their doctor about it and get a proper diagnosis. Treatment for dementia can involve medications, therapies, and lifestyle changes to reduce the symptoms and improve the quality of life.

No matter what’s causing your elderly parent’s trembling or shaking, it’s vital to seek medical help as soon as possible. 

By doing so, you’ll be giving them the best chance at an improved quality of life. Be sure to stay patient, understanding, and supportive throughout the process, too. With care and support, your elderly parent can get through this difficult time.

How To Assist an Elderly Parent With a Shaking Issue

If your elderly parent is shaking or trembling, it’s great if you can be there for them and provide support. Make sure their home is safe and comfortable, and try to reduce any stressors that could make the shaking worse.

Be understanding and patient with them during this time – they may need extra help or assistance to cope with the situation. 

With this in mind, here are a few tips to help you care for your elderly parent with a shaking issue:

1. Encourage Them To Seek Medical Help

There’s no denying it can be scary to experience shaking or trembling. Encourage your elderly parent to seek medical help so they can get the diagnosis and treatment they need. 

Ultimately, this will help to reduce their risk of further complications and improve their quality of life.

2. Check for Unsafe Conditions

Make sure the home is free of any unsafe conditions that could cause further injury. Things like loose rugs, broken furniture, and slippery surfaces should be taken care of immediately to reduce the risk of falls or other accidents. 

Furthermore, it may be helpful to install grab bars or other assistive devices to make the home easier to navigate.

3. Offer Emotional Support

Sometimes, trembling or shaking can cause feelings of embarrassment or shame for an elderly person. Offer emotional support and understanding – let them know you love them and will do whatever you can to help. Preserving their dignity while providing assistance and care is essential.

Ultimately, when it comes to shaky hands in elderly adults, a combination of medical assistance and support from family members can go a long way. 

By identifying the cause and taking the right steps toward treatment, you can ensure that your parent’s health is taken care of and they can age gracefully.

4. Consider Home Care Services

If the shaking is affecting your elderly parent’s ability to live independently, consider home care services. This is especially important if your mother or father is older than 80. Should an 80+ Year Old Parent Live Alone?

A professional caregiver can assist with daily activities such as housekeeping, mobility, and personal hygiene. This will ensure that your parent receives the care and support they need to stay safe and comfortable in their own home. 

You can also look into respite care services – these allow you to take a break from providing care for your parent while still ensuring that they’re supported and safe.

5. Install Assistive Devices

Depending on the severity of your elderly parent’s shaking issue, it may be helpful to install assistive devices in their home. This could include grab bars for support when walking, stair lifts and ramps for easier navigation, or even a wheelchair or walker if needed. 

These devices will help make daily activities such as dressing, bathing, and getting around easier and safer. For example, these Gotega 2 Pack Shower Grab Bar from Amazon can be very useful for an elderly parent who struggles with stability while showering.

6. Consider a Support Group

It can be worthwhile to connect with other people going through similar experiences. Consider joining a support group for elderly adults dealing with shaking or trembling issues. 

This will allow your parent to share their story, find encouragement and advice from others in a similar situation, and build relationships with people who understand what they’re going through.

These are just a few tips to help you care for your elderly parent with a shaking issue.

If you have any questions or concerns, be sure to speak to their doctor so you can find the best approach for your loved one’s situation. With understanding and support, you can ensure they get the help and care they need to stay safe, comfortable, and healthy.

Final Thoughts

Rest assured, you and your parent are not alone – there’s plenty of help out there to make sure their needs are met. 

So don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance so you can provide the best care possible. Remember, your elderly parent’s health is a priority and should be treated as such. 

With the right support, they can continue to live a fulfilling life with dignity and independence. Take care of your elderly parent – they need your love and support now more than ever. With patience and understanding, you can help them manage their condition and enjoy life to its fullest.


Roger L. "Chip" Mitchell is the owner of Growing Gray USA. Having worked with seniors and their families for over a decade as the owner of ComForCare Home Care of Northwest Georgia, Chip is able to share his insights working with aging senior adults and their adult children who are now finding themselves in a new role as caregivers for their parents.

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